Yes. There are many companies that offer Nanny Training Courses and a few Nanny Schools in the Unites States. Although training courses are not required to be a nanny, you can become a certified professional nanny through nanny schools that are approved by the American Council of Nanny Schools. All newborn specialists training courses must be certified by the Newborn Care Specialist Association (NCSA) and meet certain requirements.

What are Nanny Training Classes?

Many training programs exist for nannies in the United States. These training programs generally include classroom courses in child development, nutrition, family dynamics, safety, play activities, first aid and CPR. These classes vary in length, amount and depth of training and cost. Supervised hands-on training with families and children are offered only by registered Nanny Schools.

Nanny training classes can educate you on the in’s and outs of nanny care and give you a high-income career in less than a year. Many nannies register with agencies that can find them continuous jobs (usually in the $25-$45/hr range) and/or the nanny may decide to work for herself or do both. There is always going to be a need for newborn care specialist and it is a highly sought service in every city.

Newborn Training Classes in the United States

(To become a certified Newborn Care Specialist, you have to meet several requirements set forth by the Newborn Care Specialist Association. This certification includes obtaining at least 1800 hours of newborn care experience and passing a 200 question exam).

The Newborn Care Specialist Association (NCSA) offers certification for newborn specialists.

Newborn Care Training Academy- The Newborn Care Training Academy offers nationwide in-person training as well as online training. Note: This is not the same as becoming a Certified Newborn Care Specialist.

Gentle Ventures Training Center – This company offers Newborn Care Specialist and Newborn Nanny classes, as well as free classes. They also offer 2 free classes. Click here for free classes.

Nanny Basic Skills -The International Nanny Association offers 2 different types of tests. The Basic Test will test your knowledge of child care (including topics like health, safety, nutrition, professionalism and child development), and, if you pass, you get a certificate saying so. The INA Nanny Credential Exam is a more extensive test and if you pass this test you will be an INA Credentialed Nanny.

Sullivan University-. Complete this intensive twelve-month program and receive a certificate identifying yourself as a Professional Nanny by the American Council of Nanny Schools

English Governess and Nanny School has been dedicated to the education and placement of professional nannies for over 30 years. Located in Ohio. and the slogan "We put care in finding a nanny" are registered trademarks does not employ any caregiver ( nanny, babysitter, newborn specialist, elderly caregiver or housekeeper ) listed on our site and accepts no responsibility for provider's (client, family, user, parent) selection of a caregiver, or for any caregiver's conduct or performance. Provider is ultimately responsible for selecting a caregiver and for complying with all applicable laws that may apply when employing a household employee. Provider is fully responsible for their caregiver selection, checking references, interviewing and screening applicants and interpreting the background check results.'s screening services and background checks are not a substitution for a provider doing their own thorough screening. Caregivers should never be hired on the spot or without being interviewed in-person first. Our site provides an abundance of helpful tools, articles and resources to help families make smart, safe hiring decisions.