Finding a good babysitter that your kids enjoy being around is a challenge; keeping a babysitter is a whole other hurdle in itself. The best answer to “what should I pay the babysitter” is hourly and slightly above what you feel is “right”. If your babysitter has done a great job, make sure to pay the babysitter well. This will ensure that they are available the next time you call when you want a night alone. In general, babysitter pay can range from $10 to $15 per hour for one child and $15 to $20 per hour for two children. For each additional child you should pay the babysitter at least $2/hr more. Overall, the amount you pay your babysitter will depend on how many children they are caring for and how many years experience they have.

Other things to take into consideration when considering babysitter pay are the duties that are required, whether or not there is housekeeping, and the amount of time they will spend caring for the children. Ultimately, whatever you decide to pay the babysitter should be fair and will determine whether or not they will want to babysit for you again. Don’t cut corners on what you pay the babysitter, your children should be the most important thing in your life.

Now that you know what to pay the babysitter, click here to find out how much you should pay your nanny. and the slogan "We put care in finding a nanny" are registered trademarks does not employ any caregiver ( nanny, babysitter, newborn specialist, elderly caregiver or housekeeper ) listed on our site and accepts no responsibility for provider's (client, family, user, parent) selection of a caregiver, or for any caregiver's conduct or performance. Provider is ultimately responsible for selecting a caregiver and for complying with all applicable laws that may apply when employing a household employee. Provider is fully responsible for their caregiver selection, checking references, interviewing and screening applicants and interpreting the background check results.'s screening services and background checks are not a substitution for a provider doing their own thorough screening. Caregivers should never be hired on the spot or without being interviewed in-person first. Our site provides an abundance of helpful tools, articles and resources to help families make smart, safe hiring decisions.